Hair Transplant

Hair transplantation Turkey

Hair is one of the signs of beauty that illuminates a man and a woman.

Still, it is not easy to keep the health of the hair, as many reasons affect the hair growth process and lead to hair loss at an early age, each of the three people who have the problem of hair loss leads to Baldness, according to research on this, hair loss in men begins at the age of 20 years.

Who can do hair transplant in Turkey?

For men, most of the problems of Baldness are due to hormones or hereditary conditions.

Baldness forms at the top of the head and in the sides of the head and forehead. Hair transplantation can be done from the age of 20 years.

Hair loss reasons:

  • Genetic reasons
  • Skin diseases of the scalp
  • Some chronic diseases
  • Thyroid disease
  • Take some medications that cause hair loss
  • Wrong diet
  • No hair cares
  • Iron deficiency and anemia
  • Neurological and psychological problems
  • Change in body hormones (in women after pregnancy and childbirth)

These causes can cause hair loss in men and women as a result of hair loss, which is temporary or permanent, as it is natural for 100 hairs to fall out per day. Hair transplantation is the first and best solution for it. Hair follicles are taken from areas that do not contain hair loss and transplant them with voids to give density and a beautiful appearance.

Hair transplant methods and techniques in Beverly Hills, Turkey

FUE Technology:

It is a technique in which the grafts are collected from the area behind the head of the follicle grafts via a 0.7 mm diameter micrometer, and the hair grafts are collected, and then the transplant channels are opened in the area to be transplanted, and then the transplant is done, this method is the most extensive and most popular in the field of hair transplant Turkey

DHI Technology:

It is the newest method in the field of cultivation in which the follicles are collected using a pen called CHOI PEN device

Its diameter ranges between 0.7 and 1 mm. This technique is characterized by direct channels after taking the grafts, unlike other techniques

Instructions for post-hair transplant Turkey

You should not drink alcohol before and after the operation because it causes bleeding during the operation.

Do not apply lotions or creams to the hair before the procedure.

Care must be taken while dressing and getting in the car because the follicles are unstable, that is, the slight friction that comes out.

Hair should be kept dry during the early days of a speedy recovery.

You must adhere to the medicines provided to you from Beverly Hills Turkey.

Hair must be cut with scissors within the first six months.

The planting area must be protected from any collision during the first two weeks.

Do not wash hair until the Beverly Hills crew first washed after 48 hours.

You should stay away from dust and avoid sweating.

In the first six weeks it is normal for the upper parts of the follicles to fall out and the growth of the transplanted hair begins after 3 to 4 months and you get the final result after one year.
