Face Lift Turkey

Throw Facelift in Turkey is a procedure the skin can be pulled and stretched, which creates a softer and younger appearance this surgery removes sagging in the face, neck and lower part of the face, by age the skin loses elasticity, and facial muscles begin to loosen, which leads to The appearance of lines and sagging skin in the facial area, also in the case of a significant weight loss, sagging in the facial area happen, here comes the role of the facelift surgery to free you of all these problems.

In terms of recovery, it is necessary to think well about the operation's timing because it often requires two weeks of rest. Most people take two to four weeks to recover from the surgery entirely. After the surgery, bruises and swelling occur in the facial area during the first two weeks. These bruises slowly are gone, attention must be paid during the first week after the operation, taking care not to wet the face with water, during the first two weeks you shouldn't massage the face, shouldn't go to the sauna too.

The facelift surgery performed through two techniques

  1. The first full facelift
  2. Second, mid facelift

Here we will explain both cases:

  • Full facelift The operation is carried out through a surgical incision along the area where the ear meets the face, extending to the back of the ear, through this the relaxed facial muscles tightened back to their normal position and then tightening the skin of the face and neck, and then the wound is closed.
  • Mid facelift is done through a wound in front of the ear as well. Through it, the middle and lower face area is tightened only without a neck lift. A facelift can only be done with one goal of neck and lower chin here. This surgery is called a neck lift procedure.

When you arrive in Turkey, our driver will be waiting for you at the airport to pick you up and bring you to the hospital or the hotel to rest and then return you to the hospital to check with the doctor and discuss the process and its details and answer all your questions and determine the amount of flabby skin and the quality of the skin. The procedures for entering the hospital and signing the approval forms after that, You will go up to your room in the hospital, and blood tests are done to make sure that you are suitable for the operation and in a good health condition after which the anesthesiologist is examined you will go to the operation room, after the surgery the pain is very simple. Also, there are pain killers, there are bandages and a medical corset on the face area after the operation, rest a day One in the hospital is under the care of nurses, the next day, the hospital will be discharged and return to the hotel. You can walk around the third day after the operation in Istanbul neighborhoods and do tourism without any problems. A facelift in Turkey requires staying at least eight days in Istanbul. A final check will be after the operation with six Days, you must walk well after the procedure throughout the day without stressing yourself to speed up the recovery period and return to normal life quickly, and you must stick to the rules that doctor said and wear a medical corset after the operation and take the medicines provided to you from Beverly Hills Turkey after the end of your stay, you will be bid farewell to the airport through the Beverly Hills Turkey driver.

Facelift Turkey cost starts from;

  • 6.000 €(Euro) Full Facelift
  • 5.000 €(Euro) Mid Face Lift
  • 4.000 €(Euro) Neck Lift

Where the facelift price in Turkey via Beverly Hills, Turkey is a competitor to many of facelift prices in European countries.

If you would like to book an appointment to perform a facelift in Turkey through Beverly Hills Turkey, you must send 10% of the operation's value to cover a portion of the initial reservation expenses for the hospital, hotel accommodation, and transportation.

Facelift - Facelift.

Duration of the operation - three hours.

General anesthesia.

Hospitalization - one day.

Residence in Turkey - eight days.

Side effects - swelling, bruising.

The recovery period - 14 days

The result - permanent

Is there pain after a facelift in Turkey?
Pain can be very simple, as there are backup pain killers that we do to avoid this.

Is it possible to perform another operation with a facelift in Turkey at the same time?
No in full facelift, yes, in the case of a mid-facelift or neck lift.

What is the extent of swelling that can occur after a facelift in Turkey?
Vary from person to person according to the nature of the body.

When will the swelling go away after a facelift Turkey?
Usually, go away slowly during the first two weeks.

When will the result of a facelift Turkey appear?
The final result after six months.

How long is the recovery period after a facelift Turkey?
Only two weeks

How long should a medical corset be worn after a facelift Turkey?
One Month continuously and one Month partially.

When can I shower after a facelift Turkey?
A week after the operation after the final check.

When can I swim after a facelift in Turkey?
After two months.

When can I be exposed to the sun for a long time after a facelift in Turkey?
Two months after the operation and you should use a sunscreen.

When can I return to daily life after a facelift in Turkey?
Two weeks after the operation.

When can I exercise after a face lift in Turkey?
A week after the operation, it is possible to start with sports such as walking and jogging, and you should not exhaust yourself and sweat.

When can I smoke after a facelift in Turkey?
After the operation, smoking should be cut up to six months.

When will the scar start to disappear after a facelift in Turkey?
It starts to disappear from the second Month to two years. Restoration creams and laser sessions can be used during this period.

